Time: April 10, 2025 7:00 PM
Location: The90 Room 202
Speaker: Dr. Ryan Sanders
Title: Exploring the Most Distant Corners of the Universe with the James Webb Space Telescope
Abstract: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the most powerful space telescope ever built, launched 3 years ago. This talk will focus on what we have learned about the farthest reaches of the cosmos with JWST, charting the early history of our Universe and searching for the first generation of galaxies. Why is JWST so well suited to search for distant galaxies? How do we tell how far away a galaxy is from us? What is the most distant galaxy discovered to date? How can distant galaxies act as a "time machine" into the past history of the Universe? These questions and more will be answered as we take a trip from our home in the Milky Way galaxy to the furthest reaches of space with JWST.
Zoom Link: https://uky.zoom.us/j/87423105294
YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/wo5wz2bQsBc?feature=sharehttps://youtube.com/live/wo5wz2bQsBc?feature=share
You can find information about the impending nova, T Coronae Borealis, here:
- April 2025 SkyTalk Flyer.pdf
- April 2025 All Sky Chart.pdf
- Star Trails at Raven Run.jpg
- (PDF maps on this page were created using Guide 9)
You may park adjacent to the observatory in parking structure #2 one hour prior to the SkyTalk.
After parking, please exit the parking structure come down one of the east exits, closest to the Young Library.
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